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Subject: make $1000 a day playing slots
Hey -
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water, and catched a lot of the nicest fish you ever see. it
it was a powerful good adventure, and he had to work his
"go ahead," he says, and i see jim chirk up to listen.
meant that we was closing up on the longitude of ireland,
says. then he says:
a beautiful silk jacket and baggy trousers with a shawl
them very much, it warn't mister, nor judge, nor nothing,
"all?" says jim, astonished. "what 'come o' de camel?"
there to see."
i couldn't make nothing out of that, neither could jim. i
but it is sorrow and trouble that brings you the nearest,
way. there's a-plenty of boys that's mighty good and
the feel of it was so soft and so silky and nice, but now i
didn't know the difference--but there was a difference, you
the course. they want to leave me. i know they do. well,
and no help; but he was already on his way back, and when we
hurt, and how revengeful they are.
me a minute, and says:
warn't no trees, nor hills, nor rocks, nor towns, and he and
and see a big confusion going on in the caravan, and a
out the mississippi without any trouble. then you can follow
reskin' us--same way like anna nias en siffra. de lake wuz
and then at the turnip again, and says:
we land in london we'll make it ring, anyway, and don't you
here; you couldn't hire me to get out--now that i've got
but at last we see him get to the professor's head, and sort
could see a lot more things that's valuable. come--please
"patent-right!" says he. "i never see such an idiot. why, a
we shut down some of the power, so as not to outspeed them,
whereabouts the balloon was. then he ciphered a little and
b'lieve me, he jes' shuck his head, dat painter did, en went
like this. they own the land, just the mere land, and that's
hurrying him up, and, of course, he couldn't hear anything
and it done jim good to see it. he said he could see it all,
"mars he, hit's a ghos', dat's what it is, en i hopes to
we was ignorant--yes, and pretty dull, too, i ain't denying
freight, and so he warn't making no great things out of his
"mars he, i reckon dey's a mistake about it somers--dey mos'
no difference. he said a hog was fond of her own children,
years, maybe thousands, but they had just lately dug the
wouldn't 'a' noticed the track." JEhaYJyLhG7zlpwuQhJ99
hundred feet up in the air. when they et a meal, we et ourn,
the same in both. don't you see, now?"
jim puzzled a minute, then he says:
comfortable, even when he is up in a balloon with a genius.
so beautiful.
look over the edge it was all dark again, and i was glad,
empire of china. then he showed us the spread the empire of
had been born and raised in it, and jim and he said the
"all right, consider me crying about it, and sorry. go on."
"well, what's been and gone and happened now?"
"what do we want of it?"
new york, and they put it on country people's eyes and show
ever offer it again. and he didn't. when he once got set,
too, because i knowed it was true, for that has always been
balloon? laws, they don't amount to shucks 'longside of a
thousand miles of yaller sand, all glimmering with heat so
down to. the others was feeling the same way about it that i
was only last week. i can see it all: beautiful rolling
meat ain't no particular drawback, as far as i can see.
slipped down and crept up easy, and when he was close back
fun of him; and says:
it just beginning to turn out and gap and stretch; and once
where joseph stored up the grain before the famine, and when
there was such another popping of guns as you never heard,
me do that and t'other, and always selecting out the things
bygones. i don't know for certain what a welkin is, but when
solemn and lonesome, and all the little shabby huts and
middle of the boat. well, when you are sharp-set, and you
weather--well, it was just roasting. and how slow they did
"shut your head, jim; you don't know what you're talking
the men that lifts up nations and makes civilizations, and
a dervish was stumping it along through the desert, on foot,
"atlantic ocean--atlantic. land, don't it sound great! and
pistol and motioned us back, and we went, but nobody will
says--rather timid, because he see he was getting pretty
your hand before you, and the next you could count the
nat's adventure was like this; i don't know how true it is;
"hain't it so, mars he?" JEhaYJyLhG7zlpwuQhJ99
it was my watch till midnight, and then it was jim's; but he
we had had two hours of that blazing weather down there, and
i says: "no, sir! don' you budge, he."
he said it happened like this.
goodness we ain't gwine to see it no mo'. dey's been a lake,
greatest traveler; some said it was nat, some said it was
apiece. we've got all of ten thousand dollars' worth of sand
and it was a funeral that done it with us. it was next
"well, now, who said it was a welkin, smarty?"
i done it. now that was ever so smart in he, because if he
the peg--the rest ain't of no consequence. a button is one
we found a room and a big stone box in it where they used to
come i see jim on his knees, with his arms on the locker and
ever see them poor people again in this world. we wondered,
their shadders in the water just as soft and delicate as
"yes," i says, "there ain't no bigger one, i don't reckon."
but jim was so full of laugh he got to strangling and
see, and made me drunk to look at it. they was all moslems,
"how do we move the balloon and steer it?"
glad. she buried herself deeper and deeper into the cloud,
bullets couldn't git at him when he was laying down, they
jim was a good deal astonished, and so was i. jim said:
at last we give it up, and judged we wouldn't think about it
over, because i knowed what he was thinking about.
and it did not seem unpolite, but just the right thing. of
take off your shoes when you go in. there was crowds of men
has got a meaning to it; but most people's eyes ain't any
decision. so we give it up and let it drop.
"all right, then; if it don't, there ain't no two states the
his ropes and things and abusing the weather. we was afraid
went for the ladder, and then he knowed it was all up with
that made jim's wool rise, and a raft of other arabian
"ghost, you gander! it ain't anything but air and heat and